115 Southwest Cutoff
Worcester, MA 01613
The Straight Block typically makes up 85% of the ICF wall assembly on most residential & commercial jobs. This block has six (6) strong full length injection molded plastic ties made from Polypropylene (PP)regrind resin that are well marked with the word "Fox Blocks" located on both sides of the block. These ties secure the two pieces of 1.5 pcf density modified Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam together that makes up each block type. The blocks are stacked tightly together and inter-locked end to end to the desired wall length. Once a single layer or course of ICF blocks is installed,...
The 90 Degree Corner Block typically makes up 10-15% of the ICF wall assembly on most residential & commercial jobs. This block has six (6) strong full length injection molded plastic ties made from Polypropylene (PP)regrind resin that are well marked with the word "Fox Blocks" located on both sides of the block. The corner block also has one (1) patent pending corner bracket designed like no other in the ICF Industry. This 7/32" thick x 1-1/2" wide corner bracket was engineered to add more strength/support to the block because it connects the inner/outer 1.5 pcf density modified Expanded...
The 45 Degree Angle Block typically makes up 1-5% of the ICF wall assembly on most residential & commercial jobs. This block has five (5) strong full length injection molded plastic ties made from Polypropylene (PP)regrind resin that are well marked with the word "Fox Blocks" located on both sides of the block. The 7/32" thick x 1-1/2" wide corner bracket was engineered to add more strength/support to the block by reinforcing the corner once the wall is built to eliminate blow-outs during the concrete pour. The bracket has a marketed exterior fastening surface that is very large on both sides ...
The T-Block (Short Leg) typically makes up 1-2% of the ICF wall assembly on most residential & commercial jobs. This block has eight (8) strong full length injection molded plastic ties made from Polypropylene (PP)regrind resin that are well marked with the word "Fox Blocks" located on all sides of the block. These ties secure the three pieces of 1.5 pcf density modified Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam together that makes up each block type. The blocks are stacked tightly together and inter-locked end to end to the adjacent Straight Blocks. T-Blocks are typically used in foundation walls...